Wednesday 4 February 2009

Apparently unapparent


Humanity, in my opinion, seems to have the neglectful habit of delusion in it's own graceful indulgence fuelled by the illusion of worth and meaning. Desperately clawing and grasping at any explanation regardless of how preposterous it sounds so long as it romantically makes us feel significant in our own beautifully warped sense of purpose.

We are imperfect by the definition of perfect of which we, ourselves, have created and defined as an unobtainable curse. The world would likely only benefit without the word perfect but would still be far from perfect. (Irony inclusive within intent) The best way I can personally think to describe humanity as a whole is 'Glass giants', mighty yet completely vulnerable, reckless and self-destructive yet beautiful and effervescent. Love is a bizarre addition to the overwhelmingly complex series of self-afflicted trials and obstacles of modern human life; love's diagnosis is similar to that of most mental afflictions/illnesses, Irrational thought, paranoia, mood swings etc. etc. Yet, despite its counter-productive effect on our senses it is also the only thing capable of producing true incandescent happiness. The most terrible and loveliest feeling at the same time, sugar flavoured poison.

As a firm atheist I am constantly attacked by people who follow different types of religion. The main issue they have with me is my "hollow" existence, I usually evade continued discussion with such people as it seems impossible to convince them that I am speaking my mind rather than seeing me as a test of their faith. There is a fine balance to human life that sits between logic and emotion.

The common misconception to humanity seems to be we need to be fixed because we are broken, I disagree. For love to exist there must be hate and with beauty there must be depravity and ugliness. Logically emotional. Religions seem to advertise something called the soul which essentially is your "essence" or your connection to the life-force that defines your existence. The soul, in my opinion defines the impermanent beauty and imperfection to our existence, it is in our nature to destroy just as it is in our nature to build and create. A violent child will likely act that way in a pursuit of affection, thus is the irony to us all.

I have spent the majority of my life pursuing and utilizing my intelligence for knowledge and truth as a primary goal. Rewarding as this may or may not be it is not as fulfilling as my incandescent moments of civility and love. It is this quality that makes me human and gives me a soul, I am a scientist painting pictures of emotion. I exist, happy and sad, loved and hated, angry and passive, intelligent and stupid.
